Sunday, September 5, 2010

The glowing fungus

As I was leaving Flat Rock in the fading light a few weeks ago, I thought my eyes were tricking me as I saw a subtle glow downslope from the main trail. I was pretty sure that some sort of fungus, about the size of several footballs placed end to end, was the cause. Sure enough, I find this unique fungus today exactly where I saw the glow. I don't know the name for it yet, but will post it once I find out.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Circle W

Like a cattle brand, I notice that many trees along water company land have a new, spray-painted mark. It's a large red circle outline, about 15 inches in diameter, with a blue "W" spray painted inside. So far I've found these signs just north of the power lines along the Luscomb Path, and along the road that leads down to the gorge.

Hopefully this will be the lowest point of unexciting posts! They've got to look up from here.