Friday, February 25, 2011

American bald eagle in Fitchburg 2/13

I'm not imagining things. I know my birds of prey. There was an American bald eagle soaring over the Nashua River between Fifth Street and Bemis Road mid-morning on Sunday the 13th.

Years ago when mountain biking at the Quabbin Reservoir with my brother, we were picking up speed on a downhill near a swamp when a gigantic bird slowly, and with great effort of his wings, rose to the sky, soon soaring hundreds of feet over us. That bird had about a 6 foot wingspan, and was a Golden Eagle.

Last summer I fished the Quabbin with my friend John, and we were lucky enough to be accompanied much of the day by an American Bald Eagle who sat in an evergreen tree 200 meters away.

Keep your eyes open at Flat Rock. You never know what you will see. Over the years I've seen a number of very large owls there, especially near sunset. While I've never seen hawks or eagles near Flat Rock, there's always a first time.

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